tappON Platform Screenshot

Case StudytappON Multi-sided Healthcare Marketplace SaaS

Alembic delivered a rapid prototype of a complex multi-sided marketplace. A deployed and functional SaaS product was delivered in a matter of days and then rapidly iterated on to get the product to market.

The Challenge

tappON is a multi-sided SaaS marketplace designed to match people with a disability to the support professionals they require. They needed to move from their previous tech stack to one more suitable to the expansion of their user base. The new platform needed to be extremely accessible due to the diverse needs of the users. The requirements included a booking system, search, messaging and payment integration in order to have a product with enough functionality to allow a migration of the current users, and replace the old system. The largest challenge was the time requirement -- Alembic needed to deliver a functional and secure two-sided marketplace.

The Solution

Various back-end technologies were evaluated by Alembic with the decision to use Prisma, a quick-to-implement GraphQL BaaS (back end as a service) that created a type-safe database ORM and provided a GUI for data management. The idea was to use Prisma to get the initial phase up and running with the view to gradually remove it for pure GraphQL in later phases of the application's development. This combined with a TypeScript driven React at the front would give the framework needed for a quick implementation of the platform while maintaining a code-base that was robust, clean and easily extensible.


Alembic is currently working with the tappON team to migrate the existing application. This will provide a solid foundation upon which features can be easily added in the future.

Why We Love tappON

We love challenges, and we love it when our clients give us the opportunity to prove to them that the modern technologies are ready to solve their problems. The tappON team has created a platform that brings people together, and helps people who need extra support. We are honoured to have been given the chance to work with a company whose humanitarian values align with our own.

The tappON tech stack

Just some of the tools we used on this project

Elixir Logo
Tailwind CSS Logo
Phoenix Framework Logo
AWS Icon
Twilio Logo
Hashicorp Terraform Logo
PostgreSQL Elephant Logo
Auth0 Icon
TypeScript Logo
React Logo
GraphQL Logo

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