Ash Framework Consulting

ServiceAsh Framework Consulting

Getting started with the Ash Framework? We can help. Whether it's supporting your team in up-skilling, or getting stuck into building an ambitious web app with you.
  • Ash Premium Support -- Get a direct line to our team of Ash Experts for fast, high-quality support that improves your knowledge and speeds up delivery. Learn more about Alembic's Ash Premium Support service.
  • PoC/MVP development - We’ll rapidly develop a working app so you can gauge market interest and refine your vision.
  • Large scale web apps - We specialise in building large-scale web applications designed to support your growth and adapt to changing needs.
  • Elixir & Ash training - We’ll teach you everything you need to know to get started building applications using Elixir and Ash.

Recent Projects

Vexillum's Work Design System


From Paper to Precision Workflows

Alembic's partnership with Vexillum produced a platform that revolutionises heavy equipment maintenance workflows by digitising paper-based processes. Leveraging Ash, Phoenix LiveView and Elixir, Alembic delivered a real-time web application and a native iOS work delivery app in Swift and SwiftUI. This enabled Vexillum to streamline work design, enhance safety, and reduce costs swiftly. This collaboration underscores Alembic's commitment to lean, agile solutions and its ability to deliver impactful software efficiently.


Class Solver

Class Solver Student Placement Software

Alembic delivered cloud-based SaaS student placement software for Class Solver. Schools rely on Class Solver to optimise classes, ensure teacher equity and improve learning outcomes for children around the world.

Need Ash Framework Consulting?

We can help bring your ideas to life